Art Projects

Living Consciously, Inspiring Positivity

Our path is a walk towards a more conscious existence, and we strive to leave the world a better place than we found it. Through the most simple of acts, we can create change.  By simply appreciating nature, eating locally sourced foods, and picking up trash, we can have a larger impact than we know.

Through our travels, we intently stay with local communities and families, gravitating toward farmers, nature lovers, and natural healers. We learn and grow, carrying this knowledge with us to our next destinations.  We share and spread seeds and create community groups that share knowledge of nature and healing.  This has become an integral part of our own journey, and a consistent thread of our films and podcast series – opening discussions, bringing awareness to topics like climate change, conservation, and deforestation.  More simply, it’s about nature and positive ways of living.
When you support us, you're enabling us to continue living in a way that feels authentic to us, to spread not only seeds of knowledge, but to literally share and plant the seeds of tomorrow.